May 2016
In May 2016 we celebrated the end of Key Stage 3 for our Year 9 pupils before they move into Key Stage 4 and embark on their GCSE courses in June.
We always seek to challenge our pupils to achieve more than they first think is possible (read more about our Core Values) and pupils are encouraged to develop The 4 Rs of Resilience, Reciprocity, Reflectiveness and Resourcefulness.
We celebrate the progress our children make, regardless of their starting point. To reinforce the importance we place on progress, the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Celebration of Achievement Evenings subject awards are based on progress and effort, in addition to outcomes. Feedback to pupils from teachers about their work focuses on WWW (What Works Well) and EBI (Even Better If); using this style of feedback clearly enables our learners to progress in their understanding.
This academic year we have launched three new programmes for our high achievers: Year 7 High Achievers' Weekend, Year 9 Brilliant Club and Year 9 Magistrates' Court Mock Trial Competition. Further opportunities for high achievers will be offered in the Spring and Summer of 2017 for both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
Our online reward system, VIVO, rewards pupils for consistently demonstrating appropriate behaviour for learning, producing excellent pieces of class work, making positive contributions to the development of the school and active engagement in extra-curricular activities. Read more...
News stories here on our website:
- In May, Key Stage 3 Celebration of Achievement Evening
- In October, High Achievers Weekend at Slimbridge
- In October, Progress 8
- In November, Key Stage 4 Celebration of Achievement Evening
- In December, The Brilliant Club
In October we were pleased to report that our value added Progress 8 figure - the Government’s preferred measure of school performance - makes us the leading non-selective school in Cirencester and Stroud in 2016.
As a school we are never complacent. We are always seeking to improve our practice in the classroom, to ensure clear opportunities of progress for our pupils. We hope that as we place an increased emphasis on using research-informed practice in classrooms we will see further improvement in the outcomes for our pupils at Deer Park School.