December 2016
Entering into the festivities in December 2016.
Following the last of our Year 11 mock exams on Friday 9 December, we put up our school Christmas trees in the Main Hall to mark the start of the festive season and decorations then quickly began to appear in offices and classrooms around the school. The design for the school's Christmas card this year was taken from a print which was a part of one of our pupil’s preparation for her GCSE Art mock exam.

Members of our Pastoral team went into rehearsal and during this last week of term performed their short interpretation of Little Red Riding Hood to each year group in their assemblies, with Miss Moss taking the lead and Mrs McPherson providing the narration! This pantomime definitely raised a few smiles and brought some festive cheer! Mrs Hannis, who joined the team on 31 October as our new Year 7 Year Leader, said she ‘loved it’ and thoroughly enjoyed dressing up in a blonde wig as Miss Riding Hood’s mother: ‘It was really good to have some fun and let the pupils see a different side to us!’
Similarly, our Christmas Carol Service on Tuesday 13 December brought the community of the school together in Cirencester’s Parish Church. It was lovely to see so many people in the congregation listening to the Christmas story being retold and to the music performed by pupils across all age groups. Alongside the organ, members of the Deer Park Players accompanied each hymn and we were privileged to listen to the flute, guitar and ukulele ensembles. In addition to the choir, 60 pupils in Year 7 sang a two part song with beaming smiles. The Reverend Leonard Doolan kindly opened the service and invited us to reflect on the meaning of Christmas. Our pupils definitely provided inspiration: we are very grateful to everyone who contributed to our retiring collection which raised £385 for Crisis, the national charity for homeless people.
Year 10 GCSE Catering pupils recently decorated their Christmas cakes:
On Thursday 15 December, many pupils and members of staff entered into the Christmas spirit by wearing a different top as a part of our second Christmas Jumper Day, this year in aid of Save the Children and SCWAD, two of our nominated school charities, and many of our community donated items for the Cirencester Foodbank. On the same day our canteen staff provided an excellent full Christmas lunch with all the trimmings and our headteacher, Ms Henson, rolled up her sleeves and served mince pies and Christmas pudding!
We wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy New Year.
School reopens for pupils and staff on Tuesday 3 January 2017, which is a Week 1.