Spanish Exchange
On Wednesday 22 June 2016, 18 students and 2 teachers from our Spanish partner school Colegio Argantonio in Cádiz arrived in Cirencester via Malaga and Birmingham.
After a week filled with new experiences - from a scavenger hunt to fish and chips, from experiencing lessons in an English school to making scones, from group football in the park to nonstop cricket at school, from family time to group singing – and the backdrop of the EU Referendum and Euro 2016, our Spanish and English young people have been forging friendships across different cultures and languages.
Mr Germaine commented what a fabulous week it had been and how polite and cheerful the Spanish pupils were, despite the rain! The English pupils had the advantage playing cricket, as the Spanish had not played before, but by all accounts the Spanish would have had the upper hand at tennis. This educational experience and opportunity encourages understanding and extends global partnerships. As well as our pupils making new friends from Cádiz, parents have also been connecting with and building friendships with the Spanish parents of our exchange students.
I am very proud to be an ambassador for our school, host a foreign exchange teacher (or two in this case!) and show off the surrounding area. We are very lucky to live in the Cotswolds and the Cádiz visitors find it incredibly green and even took pictures of the grass! It is such a change from the sandy colours of Andalucía and a contrast to their sea and sun. It wasn’t a great week for weather but my guests and I managed to go to Broadway Tower, Uffington White Horse and see lots of pretty villages.
Mrs Pryor, Languages Faculty
Pupils from both countries have enriched their cultural experiences and lovely partnerships have been forged in this European union. On Wednesday 29 June we said adiós to our new Spanish friends as they returned to from Cádiz via a(nother) rainy day in Bristol. The Deer Park exchange pupils are looking forward to their return visit in September. No doubt they will continue the WhatsApp chat and other social media in the meantime!
What a wonderful week with our Spanish Exchange partners. We had much fun and I was really impressed with our pupils’ commitment to learning Spanish. There were lots of tears at the airport and we are really looking forward to going over there to see them soon!
Ms Wright, Languages teacher
"I really enjoyed this week and we did so many activities whilst making many new friends. At the weekend I loved showing them the Stroud market and the Gloucester and Bath Cathedrals. From visiting major cities to chatting in the evening this was an amazing opportunity and I'm so glad to be a part of it!!! I can't wait to go to Spain." New Year 10 pupil
"I had a brilliant time showing my exchange student some English culture. My favourite parts were playing volleyball with Lily, Mia and our exchanges after eating fish and chips. And playing football after our meal at Pizza Fontana and in the park after going around Cirencester. It is an amazing experience and I am really looking forwards to going to Cadiz in September." New Year 9 pupil
"I really enjoyed the exchange as I made lots of new friends and learnt how to say Spanish phrases that I didn't know before. Our family really enjoyed hosting her and showing her our English traditions, meals and taking her to places such as the Gloucester cathedral, where they filmed parts of Harry Potter and Sherlock, which she really enjoyed seeing and took lots of photos. I'm looking forward to Skyping her in the holidays and we will definitely stay in touch." New Year 10 pupil