Summer Homework

Keeping your brain active
The long summer break is a fantastic opportunity to spend time with friends and family, to be creative, to learn new skills, to catch up on sleep, to relax... and to read!
It is important to keep your brain active over the break and we encourage everyone to read for a minimum of 20 minutes a day and ask you to encourage those around you to do so too - reading can also be the antedote to boredom! Puzzle books, crosswords and sudokus keep the brain ticking, as do board games or card games. So whether you are on a family holiday or at home, encourage interaction and teamwork, dump the digital devices for a while, get creative and find time to read quietly... we hope you have an amazing summer!
All pupils have Maths homework and should check ShowMyHomework to see what their Maths teacher has set for them. You can also incorporate maths into everyday situations - for example, suggest your children budget for a meal or look at a recipe and get them to adjust the ingredients required for half or twice the number of people. Challenge them to use fractions to work out how to divide a cake evenly or see if they can work out exchange rates faster than you if you are abroad!
Our English Faculty has set a reading homework task for pupils in (new) Years 8, 9 and 10 to complete during the Summer holiday; (new) Year 11 pupils have specific English homework too.
Read at least one book from the lists below.
Write a review of this book – use ideas from the plan provided.
- Bronze Award Recommended Reading List
- Silver Award Recommended Reading List
- Gold Award Recommended Reading List
- Writing Frame
- Key Stage 3 Book Review
- Key Stage 4 Book Review
From September 2019, our Year 11 GCSE Citizenship Studies pupils will be following their Citizenship in Action module and in the Autumn term they will be collecting and coordinating items for the Link for Hope Shoebox Appeal 2019. As a school, we have supported Link for Hope for a number of years with their shoebox appeals for families and the elderly in Eastern Europe.
We encourage all our pupils to be active citizens, whether by volunteering their time, raising money and awareness for a cause, donating items or taking part in another form of community action. We hope that parents/guardians are equally able to engage in this act of human kindness.
If, when you are out and about over the Summer holidays, you see small affordable items you think may be suitable for the Family and Elderly Shoeboxes, we would really appreciate your help, if possible, in collecting for people living in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania. There will be more information in the Autumn term. Suggested items to collect:
Family or Elderly Shoebox
Gloves/Scarf or Hat
(new or knitted)
(BB June 2020 EU Origin)
Soap & Flannel
Candles & Holders
Small Games
(Travel size draughts/dominoes/
playing cards)
Family Shoebox
Colouring Pads (A5)
Crayons/Pencils (with rubber
and sharpener)
Small Toys (yo-yo, skipping
rope, toy cars)
Soft toy/teddy (with CE label)
Tape Measure/DIY Tool
Head Scarf (lightweight)
Shampoo (max 300ml)
Solar-Powered Calculator
Safety Razors
Other Gifts
Elderly Shoebox
Reading Glasses/Magnifier
Mug/Wooden Spoon/Cutlery
Sensory Item (eg Lavender Bag)
Hot Water Bottle
Work Gloves
Socks/Tights (NEW)
Wind-Up Radio/Torch
Shampoo (max 300ml)
Scissors/Nail Clippers
Safety Razors
Other Gifts
Prior to the Christmas holidays, we will be holding a Christmas Jumper Day and, as in previous years, will be collecting donations for Cirencester Foodbank, helping local people in crisis.