Snow Day: 1 Feb

Snow Day on Friday 1 February 2019
In conjunction with other schools and colleges locally, Cirencester Deer Park School was closed owing to the inclement weather on Friday 1 February 2019. Overnight the site had been covered in a thick blanket and the snow continued to fall throughout the morning. However, while pupils were able to enjoy a ‘snow day’, their teachers took care to signpost tasks for them to complete in Show My Homework. This included creative tasks in History which demonstrated pupils’ understanding of medieval castles and the journey of convict ships to Australia.

"I was impressed with the thought and effort that had gone into the range of completed tasks I had from my History classes on Friday. They had really reflected on the work we had done in our lessons together and showed creative flair in their snow work." Miss Brace, Assistant Head
The decision to close the school is never taken lightly. Headteacher, Chiquita Henson, and her team consider a number of factors and liaise with leaders in other schools. These discussions take place very early in the morning and senior staff review conditions on site and listen to local news broadcasts, especially regarding roads and weather reports.
On this occasion, James Johnson, Head of School, ventured forth in his 4x4 and Cath Brace, Assistant Head, monitored live CCTV images and reported to Chiquita Henson. Together, and in consultation with other headteachers, they assessed the situation and, owing to the persistent snow and worsening conditions, closed the school.
Fortunately, while Gloucestershire County Council’s emergency school closure website ( crashed, we were able to communicate our decision directly to parents and pupils via text messages, Twitter ( @CDPStoday) and our website (, before families set off for school.
Members of the school’s leadership team had been watching the weather closely and, heeding the amber warnings, reluctantly postponed the Year 11 Parents’ Evening and meeting of the Local Governing Body on the evening of Thursday 31 January. However, the snow came later than initially anticipated and we apologise for any inconvenience our decision may have caused. These events have now been rescheduled:
- Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 28 February from 4.30pm
- Year 8 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 7 March from 4.30pm.
Gloucestershire Live published a short video explaining why some schools shut when it snows.