End of 2018

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy New Year.
Our Christmas card featuring a print of robins in the style of Andy Warhol was designed by Oscar W, one of our Year 10 GCSE Art candidates.
Like those in many households, our decorations were given their annual dusting off at the beginning of December and our artificial Christmas trees currently grace our stage in the Main Hall. However, we were delighted to receive a real Christmas tree for our school library. This beautifully proportioned Nordmann Fir was generously donated by Miserden Nursery and has been very much admired and enjoyed.
Our Ghana 2019 team launched the advent season with their fund raising Festive Fiesta on Monday 4 December. They continue with their seasonal fund raising by holding Christmas raffles, engaging in supermarket bag packing and carol singing. The team will travel to Woe in Ghana at Easter where they will continue the work undertaken by Deer Park’s volunteer teams in 2017 and 2018 at Dezidi and Rhema Abutia Schools. We are very grateful to Alexcars who have kindly provided a coach to take them to the airport and bring them home.
The theme of peace, which has been a focus for us all at Deer Park since September, was reflected in our annual Carol Service in the Parish Church on Tuesday 11 December. This year it opened with an original dance performance by two winners of our Talent Show for Children in Need and readings and contributions from our choirs and ensembles celebrated the spirit of Christmas and complemented our collaborative World Peace Day on Friday 21 September and Remembrance Ceremony on Friday 9 November. The retiring collection was for the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity.
In spite of the length of this term, pupils and staff have maintained our focus on learning. However, during this last week of term, there has been some light relief in the form of Christmas quizzes. Pupils were asked to speculate on which Christmas songs, films, games and foods have been the bestsellers.
“Assembly was really good! Mr Reed was really loud in the microphone and got everyone involved! Mrs Hannis and Miss Stubbs were brilliant as team captains and I really enjoyed it!” Jacob (9Du)
Our Christmas celebrations culminated on Thursday 20 December with our charity Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch. While pupils tucked into an amazing Christmas dinner with all the trimmings prepared by our canteen staff, their donations to the local foodbank mean other families will be able to eat well this Christmas too. We also raised £311.58 for Save the Children.
"Christmas Jumper Day is an exciting day, all for a good cause, helping the foodbank." Coco WS (Year 8)
"Christmas Jumper Day is a fun day - something different, with a Christmas spirit." Ben V (Year 8)
It is through activities like these that our pupils grow as responsible citizens. They are encouraged to reflect on key events and make positive contributions to our local community.
As we break up for the Christmas holiday, I remind you that school reopens for pupils on Tuesday 8 January 2019, which is a Week 2. We trust they will return refreshed and ready to learn in the New Year. Our Year 11 ‘Class of 2019’ will receive their mock exam results on Friday 11 January.
Chiquita Henson
Headteacher and Chief Executive of The Corinium Education Trust.