Community Connections
Active citizenship in Year 7
Active Citizenship can be demonstrated in many different ways, whether you are a member of a community group, helping local people, fundraising for a local, national or international cause, or getting involved with a cause close to your heart, raising awareness and driving change.
To embed both the concept and reality of community involvement in our youngest year group of pupils, in November 2018 the Cirencester Deer Park School Year 7 Tutors launched the Year 7 Community Connections project. This project will increase pupils' awareness and understanding of local groups in and around Cirencester. Each Year 7 tutor group will be collecting items for a local charity or organisation and these items will be donated before the Christmas period, thus enabling our pupils to give something back to the community and provide much needed support to the vulnerable at Christmas. It also raises pupils' awareness of some of our local organisations and charities, which may be especially useful if pupils and their families need some extra help.
Together we aim to instil pride and ambition in our Year 7s and encourage them to make a positive change in our local community.
The nature of this Christmas project means that we are not asking for donations of money. Pupils are being encouraged, where possible, to bring in items for the cause that their tutor group is supporting. Items do not need to be expensive, especially if you take advantage of shop/supermarket offers. Any 'best before' date must be after 15.01.19 and the deadline for all donations is no later than Monday 3 December.
Mr Germaine, 7FR Tutor: "My previous Year 7 tutor group, who were part of Class of 2018, felt a sense of pride in supporting Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in Year 7. I thought it would be an excellent opportunity this year for all Year 7 tutor groups to support local organisations that do so much to support the population of Cirencester. Pupils should hand items in to their tutor."
We are supporting the following local projects:
The Churn Project offers support to the most vulnerable and marginalised people of the Cirencester area. They aim to reduce isolation and improve wellbeing for local people who seek their support.
We are collecting: Women's 'smellies' such as bubble bath, shower gels, deodorants, hand cream, shampoo, soaps etc.
Cirencester Housing for Young People
Cirencester Housing for Young People (CHYP) provide supported accommodation for vulnerable young people who find themselves homeless through no fault of their own. They support single young people, aged 16-25 years old, in Cirencester and the surrounding area.
We are collecting: Personal items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, deodorant and shower gels (for both men and women).
Gloucester Royal Hospital
Children's Ward
We are collecting: Stocking filler items like books, pens and note pads, teddies, rattles, key rings, slime, cars, peg puzzles and jigsaws, bath stuff and squishes.
Read more about 2018-2019 charity fundraising efforts at Cirencester Deer Park School... |
Cirencester Foodbank provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis.
We are collecting: Christmas goodies such as mince pies, Christmas puddings, chocolate coins, tubes of sweets, chocolate tree decorations.
We are collecting: Christmas food items such as Christmas pudding, custard, Pringles, Christmas crackers, savoury crackers, cheese straws, breadsticks, Christmas cake, box of chocolate biscuits, Shloer, fruit juice, mint chocolates, chutney, tea, coffee, hot chocolate.
Oak & Furrows Wildlife Rescue Centre
Oak and Furrows operate a 24 hour Wildlife Rescue Service, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. They aim to provide care for wild animals in need so that they can be returned to the wild fit and healthy for a second chance.
We are collecting: cat and dog food, cat and dog biscuits, newspapers.
We are collecting: Sweet foodstuffs such as tinned puddings, jams, custard, tinned fruit etc.
Mrs Hannis, Senior Year Leader (Year 7) commented "This is a wonderful opportunity for the Year 7 Deer Park pupils to be able to give back to a few of the local organisations that support our school throughout the year."
All of our pupils are encouraged to be active citizens and to take advantage of volunteering opportunities, which as well as helping others can help you gain skills and qualities which might be useful for the future.