Class of 2018 Celebration

Welcoming our Class of 2018 back to Deer Park
On Thursday 8 November 2018 we welcomed our Class of 2018 back to Cirencester Deer Park School for their Key Stage 4 Celebration of Achievement Evening.
It was a real pleasure to see the Class of 2018 again! It was great to catch up with what the pupils have been doing since they left Deer Park and hear their plans for the future. Over 260 pupils and parents attended our Celebration of Achievement Evening to help us celebrate the successes of the year group. The Class of 2018 were an exceptional year group and were pioneers for all the new exams and assessment criteria. Over 75% of the year group were nominated by individual faculties for effort, improvement and academic achievements. Well done to all nominees and congratulations to the winners.
It was a great evening – the majority of the year group were present and clearly enjoyed catching up with each other and celebrating their time at Deer Park. Parents were clearly very proud and as Year Leader it was an honour and delight to see their smiling faces.
Mrs Stubbs, Class of 2018 Senior Year Leader
A special thank you to Miss Lillington, Associate Assistant Head, for her inspirational talk about her sabbatical last year - you can read her blog on LessonsFromAroundTheWorld. Her 'Last Lessons from Lillington' are relevant to everyone:
- Laughter is a universal language;
- If something seems too good to be true, it probably is;
- Education is a gift.
‘It was lovely to see so many of our former pupils from our Class of 2018 at our annual Celebration of Achievement, to congratulate them on their successes and to learn of the progress they are making in their new settings. I am especially grateful to our Heads of Faculty and team leaders who reflected on the year group’s learning, shared memories of their time with us and entertained the audience! I hope our pupils will remember their time at Deer Park fondly, and that they will continue to thrive and make positive contributions to the future communities in which they live, learn and work.’
Chiquita Henson, Headteacher
We wish all pupils in our Class of 2018 the best of luck for the future.
Any pupils who were unable to attend our Celebration of Achievement Evening can collect their GCSE certificates in person from Reception. To assign someone else to collect your GCSE certificates on your behalf, you need to give written authorisation and signature.