Maths Challenge

Team Maths Challenge
On Friday 16 March 2018, Mrs Gordon took Joe (9JE), Reya (9DO), Ben (8LI) and Lily (8LI) to Wycliffe College for the Regional Final of the Team Maths Challenge organised by the UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT). The pupils were a credit to our school and performed and behaved exceptionally. There were 25 schools taking part and Cirencester Deer Park School was 1 of only 3 comprehensive schools present. Our pupils received 18th place. The challenge was fun but the questions were really difficult!
Reya commented: “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose if you tried your very best in the challenge and worked together as a team. It was hard, but fun at the same time. We all tried our very best and gave it our all. The challenges given to us were very different to normal maths problems and they required a logical approach. We spent lots of time thinking of answers in different ways. Overall I enjoyed it."
At Deer Park we aim to stretch all our pupils, including those with specific talents, and we challenge all pupils to achieve more than they first think is possible.