Year 9 Options 2018

Year 9 is a critical year, representing an important transition, when our pupils choose the subjects they wish to study in Key Stage 4.
Each year in January our Year 9 pupils discover which subjects are available to study at GCSE. We were delighted to see so many of our Year 9 pupils and their parents at our Key Stage 4 Curriculum 'Choices at 14' Evening on Thursday 25 January.
The presentation in the Main Hall included speeches from pupils in Year 10 and Year 11 and a former pupil now at Cirencester College, with an emphasis on talking to staff, taking up opportunities offered and starting revision early! There was a real buzz around the centre of the school as pupils and parents talked with subject teachers and representatives from Cirencester College and South Gloucestershire and Stroud College. Some of our Key Stage 4 pupils were available to answer questions from a pupil point of view.
Our Year 9s and their parents are encouraged to take time to discuss and research the options available. There is no first come, first served basis so there is no need to rush. The online form will be not be available on iDeer until Thursday 1 February. Pupils should find out all they can about the subjects they are interested in and be sure about what they want to study in Key Stage 4. Make informed decisions.
Year 9 Key Stage 4 Curriculum Guide 2018 (removed)
Addendum: Performing Arts (removed)
Pupils have received their Interim Reports and they and their parents will be able to talk directly to current subject teachers at our Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 8 February.
The final deadline for stating subject preferences – by completing the online form on iDeer, printing it, having it signed by parent/carer and returning to the Lower Pastoral Office - is after half term on Tuesday 20 February.
The new GCSE qualifications which have been introduced over the last two years place much more emphasis on final exams and less on coursework. To support pupils in preparation for Key Stage 4 we will continue to assess your son/daughter through written assessments and practice exams during the remainder of Year 9, to promote effective revision strategies and to give the pupils exam experience prior to sitting their formal GCSE exams.
Key Dates:
24 January 2018 Year 9 Assembly
25 January 2018 Key Stage 4 Curriculum Evening ‘Choices at 14’
26 January 2018 Year 9 Interim reports issued
1 February 2018 Online application available
8 February 2018 Year 9 Parents’ Evening
20 February 2018 Deadline for preference forms
April/May 2018 Confirmation of curriculum pathway and options
5 June 2018 Year 10 courses commence