Careers Conventon

Successful Careers Convention on Tuesday 10 October.
It was a pleasure to see so many people from both Cirencester secondary schools at our Careers Convention here at Deer Park on Tuesday 10 October 2017. This annual event is a shared project between Cirencester Deer Park and Kingshill schools with each school taking it in turns to organise and host the event. It is aimed at pupils from both schools in Years 8 to 11.
We are very grateful to all the support from the exhibitors. We had over 60 stands this year, ranging from post 16 and post 18 education options, to apprenticeship opportunities and local companies talking about their career fields. The evening was a very busy and exhibition areas around the school were packed with pupils and their families. Many exhibitors commented how lovely it was to see and talk to so many Year 9 pupils - they were clearly gathering research for their futures.
“It has been a very busy and informative evening. These evenings take a lot of organisation behind the scenes and couldn’t happen without the support of the local community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the exhibitors for the contribution they make and the support they give the event.” Miss Brace
“A very interesting evening. I like that I have been able to talk to different people who are doing the jobs that I am thinking about.” Year 9 pupil
“A great event. There is a real buzz around the place and my son was really keen to be here”. Year 10 parent
Year 9 pupils will be finding out more about their GCSE options in January 2018, so now is a good time to start looking into whether specific areas of interest and careers require specific qualifications.
This term, our pupils in Year 10 have started to have careers meetings with an external Careers Advisor who comes to school once a week. They also need, if they have not done so already, to sort out and finalise their Work Experience for July 2018 – the deadline is 31 January 2018 but obviously it is best not to leave this to the last minute.
Year 11s will be invited to attend a Taster Day at Cirencester College on Friday 17 November (Inset Day). This is a great opportunity to experience a day at a Sixth Form college and try out some courses, ahead of making post 16 choices. We recommend that all our Year 11 pupils attend, even if they do not plan to attend Cirencester College next year. More details will be coming out after half term through tutors.
Useful Links:
- National Careers Service
- Get in Go Far Apprenticeships
Careers Convention Exhibitors:
Academy of Music and Sound - Army Careers Centre Swindon - Balcarras Sixth Form - Barclays Bank - BaxterStorey - BUPA Elm Grove Nursing Home - CIA Fire & Security Ltd - Cirencester Police - Cirencester Sixth Form College - Corin Group - Cotswold Archaeology - Department of Work and Pensions - Douglas Equipment Ltd - Farmor's School - GE Aviation - GITEP - Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust - Gloucestershire College - Gloucestershire Small Animal Physiotherapy - Goldsworthy Hairdressers - Gooseberry Bush Day Nursery - Honda (UK) - London School of Economics - Marling & Stroud High Sixth Form - McDonald's Restaurants Ltd - Military Preparation College - Mitsubishi Motors UK - Network Rail - New College Swindon - Pauline Quirke Academy - Rendcomb College - Renishaw Plc - Rifina Electrical Ltd - Royal Agricultural University - Royal Navy and Royal Marines - South Gloucestershire & Stroud College (Filton Campus) - South Gloucestershire & Stroud College (Stroud Campus) - Spirax-Sarco Ltd - St James's Place Wealth Management - Swindon College - The Calcot Collection - The Royal Air Force (RAF) - The Sidings Veterinary Surgery - Tiggers @ Cirencester - University of Gloucestershire - University of Hertfordshire - University of South Wales - University of Southampton - UTC Swindon - Wiltshire College.