Careers Convention

We look forward to seeing parents and pupils from Cirencester Deer Park School and Kingshill School at our Careers Convention on Tuesday 10 October.
Cirencester Deer Park School and Kingshill School
Tuesday 10 October 2017, 6-8pm
at Cirencester Deer Park School
Cirencester Deer Park and Kingshill Schools annually join together to host a Careers Convention. This year it takes place at Deer Park on Tuesday 10 October from 6pm and, while it focuses on helping our pupils in Key Stage 4 identify progression routes, pupils from Years 8 and 9 are encouraged to attend to learn more about the opportunities available and be inspired.
Our Careers Convention is relevant to all pupils in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11. We hope that parents and their children will attend this important event. So far 55 organisations have confirmed their attendance at this year’s Convention. These include local companies, colleges and universities.
Year 8
These pupils may think it will be a long time before they need to make choices for their future but it will soon be upon them. Attending the Convention will help them to start considering their futures.
Year 9
Pupils will soon be considering option choices for Key Stage 4. This evening is an excellent opportunity to look at universities and Further Education colleges to see what entry requirements are needed, as well as talking to employers to discover the skills and qualifications required in various occupational areas.
Years 10 and 11
These pupils will soon be making choices for post 16 progression, whether it is college, sixth form or training. There will be people on hand to answer questions. It will also be worth looking at universities to gain an idea of entry requirements and the vast number of courses available.
All of these young people, over the next few months, will have to make decisions that will affect their futures. It is vital that they are equipped with as much information as possible. We very much look forward to seeing pupils and parents here at Deer Park on Tuesday, 10 October, 6-8pm.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Careers Convention. This is a great opportunity to talk to different people about different ideas for the future.
Miss Brace, Assistant Head
The following organisations have confirmed their attendance:
Academy of Music and Sound - Army Careers Centre Swindon - Balcarras Sixth Form - Barchester Healthcare - Barclays Bank - BaxterStorey - BT - BUPA Elm Grove Nursing Home - CIA Fire & Security Ltd - Cirencester Police - Cirencester Sixth Form College - CITB/Go Construct - Corin Group - Cotswold Archaeology - Department of Work and Pensions - Douglas Equipment Ltd - Farmor's School - GE Aviation - GITEP - Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust - Gloucestershire College - Gloucestershire Small Animal Physiotherapy - Goldsworthy Hairdressers - Gooseberry Bush Day Nursery - Honda (UK) - London School of Economics - Marling & Stroud High Sixth Form - McDonald's Restaurants Ltd - Military Preparation College - Mitsubishi Motors UK - Network Rail - New College Swindon - Pauline Quirke Academy - Rendcomb College - Renishaw Plc - Rifina Electrical Ltd - Royal Agricultural University - Royal Navy and Royal Marines - South Gloucestershire & Stroud College (Filton Campus) - South Gloucestershire & Stroud College (Stroud Campus) - Spirax-Sarco Ltd - St James's Place Wealth Management - Swindon College - The Calcot Collection - The Royal Air Force (RAF) - The Sidings Veterinary Surgery - Tiggers @ Cirencester - UK Training and Development - University of Gloucestershire - University of Hertfordshire - University of South Wales - University of Southampton - UTC Swindon - Wiltshire College.