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Cirencester Deer Park School

Cirencester Deer Park School

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Progress 8

Last week the Government published initial school performance information based on the 2016 GCSE results.

 We were delighted to see that our Progress 8 figure - the Government’s preferred measure of school performance - makes us the leading non-selective school in Cirencester and Stroud in 2016 with a score of +0.17 which is well above the national average (0.00) and the Gloucestershire average (-0.04). Progress 8 is a measure of how much progress pupils make across a range of subjects between leaving their Primary School and leaving their Secondary School, compared to all other pupils nationally.


You can see a number of different school performance measures on the GOV.UK 'Compare School and College Performance' website. Remember that measures of attainment, e.g. actual grades achieved, will reflect the ability profile of the cohort of pupils in the school, whereas measures of progress, such as Progress 8, takes the prior ability of pupils into account and produces a more comparable result.