Year 5 Open Mornings

Year 5 Open Mornings in June/July 2023
We recognise that the transition to secondary school is a big step and we are keen to continue to help families make informed choices about their children’s future education.
The closing date for applications for admission to Secondary School in September 2024 is 31 October 2023.
In addition to our Autumn Open Mornings on Tuesday 19 September and Monday 2 October 2023 and Autumn Open Evening on Wednesday 27 September 2023, and to help you begin to think about your choice of a Secondary School for your son or daughter, we invite prospective Year 5 pupils and their parents to a special Year 5 Open Morning.
Attendance at these 2023 Year 5 Open Mornings must be booked in advance.
Local schools
Invitation letters have been sent direct to the primary schools listed below to be distributed to Year 5 parents.
Monday 12 June (9.15am to 10.45am) – Chesterton, Kemble and Siddington Primary Schools only (Corinium Education Trust schools).
Wednesday 21 June (9.15am to 10.45am) – Cirencester Primary and Watermoor Primary Schools.
Friday 23 June (9.15am to 10.45am) – Sapperton Primary School (and out of area schools).
Monday 26 June (9.15am to 10.45am) Powell's and Stratton Primary Schools.
Out of area schools
If you are from an 'out of area' school, please read our Year 5 Open Mornings Invitation - Out of Area Schools.
Friday 23 June (9.15am to 10.45am) – Out of Area Schools.
Monday 17 July (9.15am to 10.45am) – Out of Area Schools.
During the Open Morning you and your child will have the opportunity to:
- be welcomed by Richard Clutterbuck, Headteacher, and members of the Leadership team, including an introduction to the school;
- tour the School in the company of a current Deer Park pupil;
- have any questions you have about the school or the transition to secondary school answered.
Attendance at one of these events must be booked in advance by completion and return of the reply slip to Allison Boucher, Head's PA; alternatively you can email with all the details requested. You will receive a letter or email confirming your place at the Open Morning and the practical arrangements regarding parking etc. after the booking deadline.
We encourage you to watch our Creating Futures videos on Joining Us and look forward to seeing you soon.
AUTUMN OPEN EVENTS In addition to our Year 5 Open Mornings in June/July 2023, we will be holding two Open Mornings on Tuesday 19 September and Monday 2 October 2023 and an Open Evening on Wednesday 27 September 2023. These Autumn events are open to all and do not require pre-booking. Check Open Events for more details closer to the time. |