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Cirencester Deer Park School

Cirencester Deer Park School

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Ghana 2018 Quiz Night

Following closely on the heels of our successful production of Legally Blonde Jr, Elvis came to Cirencester Deer Park School!

Raising money for their volunteering trip in Africa this summer, our Year 10 Ghana 2018 team held a Quiz Night in the Main Hall on Saturday 24 February, with all profits going towards the cost of the trip. Our pupils were involved in all aspects of the evening, from selling tickets, advertising the event and setting up the Hall beforehand, to serving food, washing up and marking quiz entries on the night.

Parents, staff and friends were treated to a delicious pie halfway through the Quiz and, while finishing discussions about the Picture round, they enjoyed some additional entertainment from our Quizmaster turned Elvis impersonator extraordinaire, Ian Street. Many thanks to Ian from Hamptons International for the quiz and his performance!

Ghana 2018 Quiz Night


Read about Volunteering in Ghana...

ghana 2017

Ghana 2017

"All of the students involved during the evening were brilliant, all working seamlessly together with each and everyone pulling their own weight, and the two young ladies who spoke at the start of the evening to explain why we were all there, spoke with fantastic confidence. For me it was a real insight into Deer Park School and I must say your students, parents and staff were a real credit to you and themselves." Ian Street, aka Elvis

"I am looking forward to learning more about the Ghanaian culture and the differences between life in Ghana and the UK." Mai

"Serving the food was a real learning experience as I picked up various customer service skills. You should run the quiz again for Ghana 2019." Ben

"I spoke at the start of the quiz about what we were going to be doing on the trip. I was nervous at first but after I finished speaking I was proud!" Beth

Those attending commented on how well organised the event was. The pupils and their families are to be commended on their hard work in the lead up to the event and on the night itself. Overall the Ghana 2018 Quiz Night raised over £900 for the trip, which leaves the UK at the end of June 2018 with African Adventures.

african adventures


We are looking forward to celebrating Ghana Independence Day on 6 March with the school canteen serving a special themed menu of Jollof Rice and Chicken or Red-Red Ghanaian Bean Stew, plus Accra Banana Bread.

Win £100! We are getting closer to setting a date for our Ping Pong Ball Race once all numbers have been sold. 1,000 ping pong balls, all individually numbered, will be released from the top of a hill and the first to the bottom will win £100 prize money! The rest of the money raised will go towards the Ghana 2018 trip. Numbers are still available from Miss Bluett (Trip Leader, Humanities Faculty) or Mrs Mackew (Upper Pastoral Office) and cost £1 per number.