Stay Connected

Stay connected and engaged!
We are impressed by the consistently high levels of engagement in our online provision by pupils in all year groups. Our decision to replenish our pupils’ stationery by making learning bundles available for collection has been very well received. These included additional resources to support our pupils’ learning at home.
Most recently, this term we have been pleased to welcome pupils in Years 7 and 8 into live lessons in MS Teams. In addition to a range of lead lessons in English and Humanities and group sessions in Maths and Science for example, pupils have had the opportunity to join others in their tutor group and catch up with their tutors who have provided individual and team challenges and wellbeing support.
‘I just wanted to pass on my sincere thanks and gratitude to you and your colleagues for such wonderful support from the school. We really couldn’t have asked for more in terms of supporting the children through lockdown and all the work for online lessons, work set and feedback has been so impressive. The Teams lessons have been very motivational for our son along with tutor time and it’s made such a difference to have all the exercise books and materials on Show My Homework. Our son’s tutor has been so caring and he’s loved the tutor sessions she’s done. It really is first rate education from Deer Park and a huge thank you to all the staff for their efforts.’ Year 7 Parent
We continue to monitor the use of Show My Homework and attendance in MS Teams closely. We know that the vast majority of our pupils have chosen to stay connected with us. In Year 9, where pupils have just started their GCSE subjects, average attendance in our live lessons is above 90%.
‘My daughter has been home learning for 12 weeks now. I just wanted to say how impressed I have been with the school and its support for her over this time. There are many aspects that have been so helpful but I guess I would like to the teachers who have shown particular commitment and enthusiasm. The bundle of books organised meticulously by staff, the transition to Microsoft Teams to have the face to face lessons and being able to still have the Achievement Awards evening have all been fantastic, as well as the communication and organisation behind timetabling. Thank you and please do send my appreciation to all staff working hard in such challenging circumstances.’ Year 9 Parent
Our pupils have shown tremendous resilience and resourcefulness throughout this period away from school. We are immensely grateful to our teachers and support staff for the inspiration, direction and support they are providing and to our Year Leaders who have routinely been checking in on some of our pupils. This and the in-school provision we are making for children of key workers have enabled us to maintain the rhythm and momentum of learning. We continue to be impressed by the quality of the work many pupils are returning to their teachers and our online galleries capture their creativity!
While we have been able to bring pupils in Year 10 back into school in small groups for some face to face lessons with their teachers one day a week, we are not planning to bring pupils in other year groups into school until September. Should you or your child have any concerns or questions about his or her learning over the next three weeks, please contact his or her Year Leader.
It is important everyone continues to stay connected and engaged!
At present we are still awaiting guidance following the Secretary of State’s announcement on Friday 19 June 2020 that schools will reopen to all pupils in September. Once we have received this, and we have had some time to develop or amend our plans, we will advise you of the provision we propose to make for all pupils in the Autumn Term. It is likely however, that to ease the transition and determine our pupils’ starting points, we will begin with some personalised face to face review sessions.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support.