Class of 2016

We welcomed our ‘Class of 2016’ back to Deer Park on Thursday 10 November for our annual Key Stage 4 Celebration of Achievement Evening.
It was a privilege to be able to celebrate the hard work and the achievements of the Class of 2016. Our Celebration of Achievement Evening was an evening full of fond memories and warmth and it was lovely to be able to speak to so many former pupils about what they have moved on to do.”
Cath Brace, Assistant Head
The evening was an opportunity to celebrate personal successes and collective achievements. 77 prizes were awarded, following nominations by teachers, in recognition of the efforts, improvement and academic achievements of the year group. It was a great opportunity for a reunion and many, as they collected their exam certificates and copies of their year book, spoke fondly of their time at Deer Park and confessed to missing being here. One former pupil commented "It just isn’t the same. It is so weird not being here and seeing everyone each day. Deer Park has given me so many memories.”

We would both like to thank all the staff involved in organising last night’s 2016 leavers evening . The amount of work put in made it a truly rememberable finish to the children’s journey through Deer Park. We thought it was so nice that the children were recognised for their efforts as well as their grades. Once again, we are overwhelmed by the staff commitment to the pupils.
Class of 2016 Parent
A highlight of the evening was our guest speaker Rich Whincup. We are very grateful to Rich for sharing his moving and motivation experiences on challenging oneself, resilience and ‘Taking the Scenic Route’.
It was lovely to welcome back our 'Class of 2016' for our annual Celebration of Achievement. It was very clear our former pupils were as delighted to be back at Deer Park as we were to see them! They were reunited with their friends and teachers and confidently talked about what they are doing now. In the school’s 50th Anniversary year as a comprehensive, it was a privilege to acknowledge their academic excellence and celebrate our inclusivity by recognising the progress of individual pupils.
Chiquita Henson, Head
For any of the Class of 2016 who did not order a year book and would like one, we have copies available in Reception for £10.
We wish the Class of 2016 the best of luck for the future.
Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.