KS3 Homework Support Club

Key Stage 3 Homework Support Club Launch
We know that some pupils, particularly younger ones, sometimes struggle with the demands of homework. It may be that they are confused about what is required, or feel a little overwhelmed when there are several deadlines looming at once. In addition, there may be practical problems: a lack of space in which to study at home, adults too busy to help or difficulties with technology.
Homework enables pupils to undertake independent learning to practise and consolidate skills, conduct in-depth inquiry, prepare for lessons and revise for exams. The Education Endowment Fund (EEF) recently published a report on the impact of homework - their research found that: ‘Homework has a positive impact on average (+ 5 months), particularly with pupils in secondary schools.’
To support our pupils, we are introducing a Key Stage 3 Homework Support Club, running every Thursday after school in the Powell’s Learning Centre (our library), 3.25-4.25pm. Our new Librarian, Miss Lamsdale, will be available to help pupils in Key Stage 3 with their homework for any subject. She can provide general support, suggest resources and help pupils access online platforms, for example: Educake used in English. Pupils will find Miss Lamsdale very approachable and welcoming.
Introducing Librarian Miss Lamsdale:
"I look forward to hosting the Key Stage 3 Homework Support Club, where pupils can ask questions, get extra support and feel encouraged to read and grow. I am thrilled to support an environment where learning thrives and pupils feel confident and inspired to reach their full potential.
I am excited to join the Library and work alongside Mrs Bond. Together, we aim to make the Library a vibrant, welcoming space where reading is enjoyable, and pupils feel comfortable exploring new books and engaging with their curiosity. I believe that reading is key to expanding knowledge, building imagination, and developing critical skills."
Any pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 can attend the Thursday after school Homework Support Club - there is no need to book, pupils can just turn up. Of course, there is no obligation to attend every week, pupils may come whenever they could use some adult help or need a space to work.
We hope that providing this extra support will help our pupils develop good habits with regard to their organisational skills during the early years at secondary school, so they can be well-prepared for the increased demands of GCSE study in Key Stage 4.
The PLC is open before school, during break, during lunchtime and after school. Pupils in all year groups are welcome to come in and study if the library is not already booked or full.