Induction Days 2024

Year 6 primary to secondary school transition
On Thursday 11 and Friday 12 July 2024, Year 6 pupils who are part of our September Year 7 cohort started their Deer Park journey at our two Induction Days.
Each year we admire the resilience of these young people and how well they adapt to new situations. On Thursday morning, 219 new pupils arrived at school for their first full day at Deer Park. There was a mix of different colour primary school uniforms and differing levels of excitement and apprehension as pupils were registered and advised where to sit in their new tutor groups in the Main Hall.
Their day started with a Welcome Assembly led by Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head, and our new Co-Heads, Miss Charlesworth and Mrs Lang, who set the tone for the coming year. Next, pupils were based in their tutor rooms with their tutors, doing introduction and orientation activities, getting to know each other and learning their way around the school site. After break, and for the rest of the day, our new Year 7s followed their timetabled lessons. At break and lunch, pupils were able to catch up with existing friends, chat with new friends and let off steam on the front field. The free spaghetti bolognaise lunch was a definite hit!
On Thursday evening, we welcomed the year group back to school with their parents and carers for our Induction Evening and the opportunity to reflect upon their first day. A massive thank you to our Tech Team for producing a video compilation of the day; the video was well received, and is likely to reappear at various stages throughout their next 5 years, to remind them of how far they have come since starting at Deer Park! Two pupils, Abi and Oakley, shared their reflections of the first day. Following the presentation, parents were able to meet their child's tutor, chat with other parents and perhaps take advantage of being able to purchase some pre-loved uniform items from the Friends of Deer Park Used Uniform Sale.
Friday was a full day of lessons. Year 7s headed straight to tutor time and then followed their timetable throughout the day, which included Drama, Maths, Spanish, Science, English and Geography. The two days were a huge success and the pupils have been a credit to themselves.
Our thanks to our (new) Year 8 helpers who guided and reassured the new Year 7 tutor groups, acting as amazing role models.
Mrs Ellison, Year Leader for (new) Year 7, said "It was great to welcome the new Year 7s to Deer Park. Their positive attitude, energy and enthusiasm was fabulous to see. I hope everyone has a restful summer and I'm looking forward to seeing everybody in September."
We wish everyone a happy and safe summer and look forward to welcoming them back in September. There are a number of Year 6 to 7 Faculty Transition Materials for any of our Year 6s who wish to challenge themselves over the holidays.
Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head