Xmas Jumper Day

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch
On the penultimate day of term, Thursday 15 December 2022, we are holding our annual Christmas Jumper Day. Pupils have the option of swapping their normal school jumper for a Christmas Jumper for the day (the rest of the uniform is as normal), in return for a donation to Cirencester Foodbank of food-related items or money (minimum 50p).
This year, more than ever, foodbanks across the country are under pressure and Cirencester is no exception.
Please note that our local foodbank has a useful list of things they urgently need and things they are low on, as well as a list of things they have plenty of (for example, they don't currently need baked beans, cereal, pasta, rice and tinned tomatoes).
Tutors are collecting the donations. If you want to donate Christmas-related food items, please ensure that these are in school by Friday 9 November as Cirencester Foodbank have a cut-off date for creation of their hampers. Our thanks in advance for your support.
Christmas jumpers can be shop-bought or upcycled (although not an upcycled school jumper). Pupils have been clearly told that if they are creating their own Christmas Jumper, it should NOT be a hoody.
Also on Thursday 15 December 2022, our canteen will be serving Christmas Lunch. There will be a meat or vegetarian option - Roast Turkey or Feta & Caramelised Onion Tart - plus Mince Pie or Christmas Pudding; £2.95 for the main course with Mince Pie or £3.50 with Christmas Pudding (staff should add VAT to the prices). There will be a gluten-free option available, but this must be pre-ordered, direct with the Canteen, by Monday 12 December.
If your child doesn't normally have school food but wants to share Christmas Lunch with friends, please ensure that you have topped up their smartcard (go to WisePay) as we are unable to accept cash at our tills. The only lunch available in the Hall on Thursday 15 December will be Christmas Lunch but the Atrium will be serving sandwiches, baguettes etc.