Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Jumper Day 2021
On Thursday 16 December 2021 pupils and staff at Deer Park are invited to take part in our annual Christmas Jumper Day and come to school wearing a Christmas Jumper and at the same time help others less fortunate by a) bringing in a food donation for the Cirencester Foodbank or b) donating money (50p minimum) for Save the Children.
Note: this day relates just to the normal school jumper not whole school uniform.
Any pupils wishing to wear a Christmas jumper to school on Thursday 16 December will be able to donate food items or cash in their home bases from week commencing Monday 7 December.
Pupils can bring in a cash donation or parents can choose to make a donation via WisePay for Save the Children.
Please check the Cirencester Foodbank website for a list of items they are short of and things they definitely don't need e.g. baked beans! As of 1 December they urgently need tinned fish, long-life sponge pudding, tinned soup, tinned meat pies, long-life juice, instant mash or tinned potatoes, tinned meat, long-life milk, lunchbox snacks or chocolate treats for children, tinned fruit. They have plenty of cereal, pasta, tinned spaghetti, beans and tea bags.
Our annual Christmas Jumper Day is a chance to really bring the festive spirit and colour into school. The jumper does not need to be shop-bought, pupils can upcycle an existing jumper (see Hubbub or Love Your Clothes for example), although obviously not their school jumper! We look forward to seeing this year's range of jumpers.
Some of our pupils and their jumpers in 2020: